
  • 暂无简介
  • 《摩登家庭》第一季精彩看点:奇葩家庭囧事多,恶搞爆笑无下限。每团体都是亮点,你总能找到你最爱的那一款。《摩登家庭》第一季剧情梗概:全职家庭主妇克莱尔与做地产经纪的丈夫菲尔养育着两个青春期的女儿和一个十岁大的儿子。克莱尔年过六旬的老父杰新娶了年轻美貌的妻子格劳丽亚,加上格劳丽亚和前夫所生的十岁儿子组成了一个新三口之家。克莱尔的弟弟米切尔和他的异性爱人卡梅隆则刚从越南领养了一名女婴,兴致勃勃地想要当一
  • Behind-the-scenes with Jennifer Lopez as she independently produces a new album that explores her twenty year journey to self-love.
  • A small town crime thriller set in rural Missouri about two estranged half brothers that kidnap the lead witness against their incarcerated father in order to prove his innocence.
  • A young couple take their first foreign holiday together. Yet, behind the couple's happy smiles lies a hidden desire. They turn to a mysterious local woman for help, but the truth of the situation
  •   影片《公文包》由杰森·克拉夫奇克执导,讲述一个关于公文包的喜剧故事。男主角曾经在体育场任务了3年,他没有过从军阅历却杀过人,他将自己置于风险之中。他和他的小同伴被同一个手铐铐在一同不能分开,他们不知道他们应该去哪,但身后总有人拿着枪想杀掉他们。就在这时他和他的小同伴却有了一些矛盾,由于他们带着一个奥秘公文包,此时男主角想翻开公文包,看看外面究竟装着什么东西,但是他的小同伴却坚...
  • When a group of indie filmmakers are ripped off by a crooked distributor, they set out on a mission of revenge, but quickly find themselves facing off against literal bloodsuckers in what becomes the
  • A young couple of different religious faiths and very much in love, meet a tragic accident that puts both of them in a coma and sets their spirits off on a quest to figure out how to be together in th
  • A cautionary tale told in three contradicting accounts; this is a story of a broadcasting student who discovers the shady truth about the TV reporter he idolizes.